Why Study Phonetics?
A common problem among Spanish speakers, although they spent many years of their life attending English classes is that they feel they don't understand English people properly, even if they have a good command of English grammar and vocabulary. Most of these problems could be overcome if they were better acquainted with English pronunciation.
A common problem among Spanish speakers, although they spent many years of their life attending English classes is that they feel they don't understand English people properly, even if they have a good command of English grammar and vocabulary. Most of these problems could be overcome if they were better acquainted with English pronunciation.
Phonetic Flash (para mejorar el conocimiento de los sonidos del RP y del IPA)
Analytic Listening (para desarrollar la capacidad de discriminación entre sonidos aspirados o no aspirados, sordos o sonoros, etc.).
Prosody on the Web (para identificar divisiones entre unidades tonales, núcleos tonales y curvas melódicas)
Tip of the Day (para obtener consejos prácticos sobre la pronunciación del RP y práctica adicional).
Vowels (archivos de audio con las vocales del RP y el GA)
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