domingo, 19 de abril de 2020
miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010
Weird but True News
New York family discovers lost Michelangelo painting
A FAMILY in New York may have had an unfinished Michelangelo painting hanging on their living room wall for a year.
She may be small, a mere 17 inches and weighing only 60 pounds. But she is all horse.
Born as a dwarf to a miniature horse, Thumbelina is officially the world’s smallest horse.
Texas county ballots wrongly have flag of Chile
Chile Texas
Election officials in Atascosa County are correcting a mistake on absentee ballots to remove the flag of Chile, which is similar to the Texas banner.
Double decker bus turned into classroom
The 1983 Leyland Titan was bought on eBay for £3,500 by Parc Eglos School near Helston, Cornwall.
True love can take many forms. In this case, it has taken the form of a Korean man falling in love with, and eventually marrying, a large pillow with a picture of a woman on it.
Polish bear 'that fought Nazis' to be commemorated
Bear who is said to have helped Polish troops battle invading Germans is to be commemorated with a statue in Edinburgh - the city where he 'retired' after the Second World War.
Baby's unusual birthday
Barbie and Chad Soper recently celebrated the birth of their youngest daughter, who they welcomed into the world on October 10 (10.10.10) at the Spectrum hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan, America.
However, this follows the birth of son Cameron on September 9, 2009 (09.09.09) and eldest daughter Chloey on August 8, 2008 (08.08.08).
However, this follows the birth of son Cameron on September 9, 2009 (09.09.09) and eldest daughter Chloey on August 8, 2008 (08.08.08).
Hotel eyes record with $671,000 per night plan
Want an exclusive venue for your next party? The Mandarin Oriental Tokyo hotel may have the answer: use of the entire hotel, including nine restaurants and all spas and rooms -- for a cool $671,000 a night.
miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010
La Pizarra Digital (Smart Board)
Smart Board
Smart Board (In English)
Smart Board II
Smart Board III
Smart Board IV
España 2012: todas las aulas tendrán PDI
Smart Board (In English)
miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010
Documentaries and films
After Life (2009- Spanish Subtitles)
British ARE NOT stupid
Americans ARE NOT stupid
The world is getting mad
The Dead Terrorist
There is no Democracy
domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010
aberrant absorbent abstract absurd abundant academic accident acid acrobat acrobatic activist act adolescent agent agnostic | alarmist alcoholic alcoholism alert alphanumeric altruism amalgam ambivalent Americanism anagram anorexic antagonism antagonist Antarctic antecedent | antiseptic antiterrorism antiterrorist aromatic arrogant arsenic artistic aspirant aspirin atom atomic autocratic automatic axiom axiomatic |
B | ||
Baltic banquet basic | benevolent benign Bermudas bionic | bomb bubonic bulb bunker |
C | ||
cablegram cadet calculator calm calorific capitalism capitalist caramel caravan cardamom cardiac cardiogram caricaturist catapult catatonic caustic cavern circuit citric civic | clarinet client clinic cobalt codicil coherent column columnist combat comic compact complement component compulsion concert concurrent conflict conscript consonant constant | contact content context contingent contraband contrast convenient convent convict corpulent correct cosmetic cosmic cosmopolitan cost credit cretin critic cubic cubism |
D | ||
debit decadent decent decrepit defect demagogic demand democrat dentist deposit despot despotism | detergent detriment diabetic diadem diagnostic diagram dialect dialectic didactic digit diligent diplomatic | direct disc distinct diuretic divergent dividend document dogmatic domestic dominant dramatic drastic |
E | ||
economic economist eclectic egoism egocentric egotism egotist elastic elect electric electromagnetic electronic elegant element elitism emblem | emigrant eminent endemic enigmatic epidemic epigram epileptic equidistant equivalent erotic escapist evangelism evident exact except exhibitionism exhibitionist | exigent existentialism existentialist exorbitant exorcism exorcist exotic expectant experiment expert explicit exponent extern extract extremist exuberant |
F | ||
facet fanatic fantastic fascism fascist fatalism | fatalist fecund feminism feminist finalist flagrant flautist | form format fragment fragrant franc frigid fundamentalism fundamentalist |
G | ||
gambit gastric | gastronomic gelatine generic | geometric geriatric |
H | ||
habit helicopter herald heraldic | heroic heroin heroism hologram | human humanist humid humorist |
I | ||
iconoclast idealism idealist idiot idol ignorant impertinent implement impediment imperfect imperialism imperialist impertinent implant implement important impotent incest incident | inclement incoherent inconstant inconvenient incorrect increment indecent indolent indulgent inert inexact infant informant ingredient inhuman inorganic insect insignificant insipid | insistent insolent insolvent instrumentalist insult insurgent Intact Intern interval intolerant intransigent intrepid intrinsic invalid ironic irrelevant irreverent Islamic isometric itinerant |
J | ||
Jacuzzi jade jaguar jazz | jeep jersey jockey jogging | judicial judo junta |
K | ||
karate | kayak kiwi | kilo |
L | ||
laconic lactic lament languid lanolin leopard | lesbian liberalism ligament limit limpid linguistic | liquid list logic lucid lubricant lunatic |
M | ||
macrocosm magnetic magnetism malign mandolin map mascot materialism medallist median medic | melamine melodramatic merit metabolic metabolism meteor meteoric metric metropolitan microcosm microscopic militant | militarism mimic minimalist model modern modest moment monastic monetarism mongolism music mutant |
N | ||
narcotic naturalist naturism naturist Nazism | negligent neologism nepotism neurotic neuron | nomad nostalgic novelist nudist numeric nutrient |
O | ||
obedient object observant occident ocean oceanic | octagon octet oculist omnipotent omnipresent optimism | optimist opulent organ orgasm orient ornament ostracism |
pacific pacifism pacifist pact pagan palm palmist panic panoramic papist parabolic paradigm paramedic parcel paraplegic parmesan part patent paternalist patriot patriotic patriotism platonic pluralism poet poem | poetic polemic pelican penitent pentagon perfect period periodic permanent persist persistent person pertinent perturb pestilent petal pilot pint pistol pivot placid planet plant plastic platonic pomp | porch porn potent prehistoric preponderant present president pretend pretext prevalent prism problem prolific prominent protagonist protestant Protestantism protocol pendent pubescent public pulpit pulp pupil purist puritan |
R | ||
racism radiant radicalism ranch rapid rasp rat realism | remit represent republic republican repugnant rescind reservist resident respond | resultant reticent reverent rigid robust romantic romanticism rubric rustic |
S | ||
sacrament sadism salient sarcasm sarcastic sardonic secret sediment Semitic | sex sexism sextant sextet Sicilian significant socialism socialist socioeconomic solecism | solemn solicit solid solvent sordid subsist suburban supersonic surrealism suspend |
T | ||
tacit tact tactic talent telegram telescopic teletext temperament terrorism terrorist testament | Teutonic timid tolerant tonic topic torment torrid toxic toxin tragic tranquil | transatlantic transcendent transform transit transform transparent transplant traumatic trident tripod tunic turbulent |
U | ||
ulcer ultramodern ultrasonic | ultraviolet uniform unionist | urgent urn usurp |
V | ||
vacant valid vandal vandalism vegetarian vehement verb | veteran viaduct vibrant victim violent violet violinist | virulent visit vitamin vocalist volcanic vomit |
False Friends
False Friends
an abstract: resumen (y no abstracto) actual: real, efectivo (y no actual, que se dice current) actually: en realidad (y no actualmente, que se dice nowadays, at present) to advertise: anunciar (y no advertir, que se dice to warn) advice: consejos (y no aviso, que se dice warning, notice) application form: formulario de solicitud (y no formulario de aplicación)
argument: discusión, pelea (y no argumento de un libro/una película, que se dice plot)
arena: estadio, plaza de toros (y no arena, que se dice sand)
arm: brazo (y no arma, que se dice gun)
army: ejército (y no arma, que se dice navy)
assessment: evaluación (y no asesoría, que se dice consultancy)
to assist: ayudar (y no asistir a un lugar, que se dice to attend)
to attain: lograr, conseguir (y no atar, que se dice to tie)
attendance: asistencia (y no atención, que se dice attention)
avocado: aguacate (y no abogado, que se dice lawyer)
balloon: globo (y no balón, que se dice ball)
bank: banco - la institución (y no banco de plaza, que se dice bench)
billet: acuartelamiento, alojamiento militar (y no billete, que se dice ticket o note)
billion: mil millones (y no billón, que se dice trillion)
brave: valiente (y no bravo, que se dice fierce)
camp: base militar o campamento (y no campo en general, que se dice field)
carpet: alfombra (y no carpeta, que se dice folder)
cartoon: dibujos animados, tira cómica (y no cartón, que se dice cardboard)
casualty: víctima o herido (y no casualidad, que se dice coincidence)
cellular: celular, relativo a la célula (y no teléfono celular, que se dice mobile telephone)
collar: cuello de las prendas de vestir (y no collar, que se dice necklace)
college: facultad, colegio universitario (y no colegio, que se dice school)
command: orden, mandato (y no comando, que se dice commando unit)
commodity: mercancía o materia prima (y no comodidad, que se dice comfort)
to complain: quejarse (y no complacer, que se dice to please)
complexion: tez, tono de la piel (y no complexión, que se dice body type)
conductor: director de orquesta o cobrador (y no conductor, que se dice driver)
confident: seguro de sí mismo (y no confidente, que se dice confidant)
(to be) constipated: sufrir de estreñimiento (y no estar constipado, que se dice to have a cold/chill)
council: consejo (y no conciliar, que se dice to reconcile)
curse: maldición (y no curso, que se dice course)
date: fecha (y no dato, que se dice a piece of information o data)
deception: engaño (y no decepción, que se dice disappointment)
dessert: postre (y no desierto, que se dice desert)
dinner: cena (y no dinero, que se dice money)
diversion: desviación (y no diversión, alegría, que se dice fun)
dramatic: drástico, espectacular
economics: economía (y no económicos, que se dice cheap)
embarrassed: avergonzado/a (y no embarazada, que se dice pregnant)
eventual: definitivo o posible (y no eventual, que se dice casual, incidental)
eventually: finalmente, tarde o temprano (y no eventualmente que se dice by chance, possibly)
exit: salida (y no éxito, que se dice success)
fabric: tela (y no fábrica, que se dice factory)
familiar: conocido, familiar (adjetivo) (y no pariente, familiar (sustantivo), que se dice relative)
form: formulario (y no forma, que se dice shape)
fume: vapor o gas (y no fumar, que se dice smoke)
gracious: cortés (y no gracioso, que se dice funny)
grocery: tienda de comestibles (y no grosería, que se dice rudeness o rude word/expression)
horn: cuerno (y no horno, que se dice oven)
intoxicated: ebrio (y no intoxicado, que se dice with food poisoning)
involve: involucrar (y no envolver, que se dice wrap)
large: grande (y no largo, que se dice long)
lecture: conferencia (y no lectura, que se dice reading)
lentil: lenteja (y no lentilla, que se dice contact lens)
letter: letra del abecedario o carta (y no letra de una canción, que se dice lyrics)
library: biblioteca (y no librería, que se dice bookshop)
luxury: lujo (y no lujuria, que se dice lust)
mascot: persona, animal u objeto que da buena suerte (y no mascota como animal doméstico, que se dice pet)
mayor: alcalde (y no mayor, que se dice bigger)
media: medios (y no media, que se dice sock)
misery: tristeza (y no miseria, que se dice poverty)
to molest: abusar sexualmente (y no molestar, que se dice to bother o to annoy)
notice: nota, anuncio (y no noticia, que se dice a piece of news)
occurrence: aparición (y no ocurrencia, que se dice absurd idea)
office: oficina (y no oficio, que se dice trade o job)
once: una vez (y no once, que se dice eleven)
oration: discurso ceremonial (y no oración, que se dice sentence o prayer)
ordinary: común (y no vulgar, que se dice vulgar)
pan: cacerola, cazuela (y no pan, que se dice bread)
parade: desfile (y no pared, que se dice wall)
parents: padres (y no parientes, que se dice relatives)
policy: política (y no policía, que se dice police)
politic: diplomático, cortés o prudente (y no político, que se dice politician)
preservative: conservante (y no preservativo, que se dice condom)
to quit: abandonar, dejar (y no quitar, que se dice to remove o to put away)
recollection: recuerdo (y no recolección, que se dice harvest o collection)
regular: de tamaño normal (y no regular, que se dice bad, not so good)
relatives: parientes (y no relativos, que se dice relative (adjective))
rude: maleducado, descortés (y no rudo, que se dice rough)
to realize: darse cuenta (y no realizar, que se dice to make)
to record: grabar (y no recordar, que se dice to remember)
to remove: quitar, eliminar (y no remover, que se dice to stir)
to resume: reanudar, continuar o reasumir (y no resumir, que se dice to summarize o to sum up)
salad: ensalada (y no salado, que se dice salty)
sane: cuerdo (y no sano, que se dice healthy)
sensible: sensitivo (y no sensible, que se dice sensitive)
sensitive: sensible (y no sensitivo, que se dice sensible)
signature: firma (y no asignatura, que se dice subject)
sin: pecado (y no sin, que se dice without)
spade: pala (y no espada, que se dice sword)
success: éxito (y no suceso, que se dice event)
to support: apoyar (y no soportar, que se dice to put up with)
sympathetic: comprensivo (y no simpático, que se dice nice, likeable)
sympathy: compasión, comprensión, pésame (y no simpatía, que se dice friendliness, affection)
target: objetivo (y no tarjeta, que se dice card)
terrific: fenomenal, genial (y no terrorífico, que se dice terrifying)
to traduce: calumniar (y no traducir, que se dice to translate)
to translate: traducir (y no trasladarse, que se dice to move)
tramp: vagabundo (y no trampa, que se dice trap)
ultimate: final (y no último, que se dice last)
umpire: árbitro (y no imperio, que se dice empire)
zealous: entusiasta (y no celoso, que se dice jealous)
to apologise: pedir disculpas (y no apología, que se dice defence)
apt: propenso (y no apto, que se dice qualified, able)argument: discusión, pelea (y no argumento de un libro/una película, que se dice plot)
arena: estadio, plaza de toros (y no arena, que se dice sand)
arm: brazo (y no arma, que se dice gun)
army: ejército (y no arma, que se dice navy)
assessment: evaluación (y no asesoría, que se dice consultancy)
to assist: ayudar (y no asistir a un lugar, que se dice to attend)
to attain: lograr, conseguir (y no atar, que se dice to tie)
attendance: asistencia (y no atención, que se dice attention)
avocado: aguacate (y no abogado, que se dice lawyer)
balloon: globo (y no balón, que se dice ball)
bank: banco - la institución (y no banco de plaza, que se dice bench)
billet: acuartelamiento, alojamiento militar (y no billete, que se dice ticket o note)
billion: mil millones (y no billón, que se dice trillion)
brave: valiente (y no bravo, que se dice fierce)
camp: base militar o campamento (y no campo en general, que se dice field)
carpet: alfombra (y no carpeta, que se dice folder)
cartoon: dibujos animados, tira cómica (y no cartón, que se dice cardboard)
casualty: víctima o herido (y no casualidad, que se dice coincidence)
cellular: celular, relativo a la célula (y no teléfono celular, que se dice mobile telephone)
collar: cuello de las prendas de vestir (y no collar, que se dice necklace)
college: facultad, colegio universitario (y no colegio, que se dice school)
command: orden, mandato (y no comando, que se dice commando unit)
commodity: mercancía o materia prima (y no comodidad, que se dice comfort)
to complain: quejarse (y no complacer, que se dice to please)
complexion: tez, tono de la piel (y no complexión, que se dice body type)
conductor: director de orquesta o cobrador (y no conductor, que se dice driver)
confident: seguro de sí mismo (y no confidente, que se dice confidant)
(to be) constipated: sufrir de estreñimiento (y no estar constipado, que se dice to have a cold/chill)
council: consejo (y no conciliar, que se dice to reconcile)
curse: maldición (y no curso, que se dice course)
date: fecha (y no dato, que se dice a piece of information o data)
deception: engaño (y no decepción, que se dice disappointment)
dessert: postre (y no desierto, que se dice desert)
dinner: cena (y no dinero, que se dice money)
diversion: desviación (y no diversión, alegría, que se dice fun)
dramatic: drástico, espectacular
economics: economía (y no económicos, que se dice cheap)
embarrassed: avergonzado/a (y no embarazada, que se dice pregnant)
eventual: definitivo o posible (y no eventual, que se dice casual, incidental)
eventually: finalmente, tarde o temprano (y no eventualmente que se dice by chance, possibly)
exit: salida (y no éxito, que se dice success)
fabric: tela (y no fábrica, que se dice factory)
familiar: conocido, familiar (adjetivo) (y no pariente, familiar (sustantivo), que se dice relative)
form: formulario (y no forma, que se dice shape)
fume: vapor o gas (y no fumar, que se dice smoke)
gracious: cortés (y no gracioso, que se dice funny)
grocery: tienda de comestibles (y no grosería, que se dice rudeness o rude word/expression)
horn: cuerno (y no horno, que se dice oven)
idiom: modismo, locución (y no idioma, que se dice language)
inhabitant: habitante (y no inhabitado, que se dice uninhabited)intoxicated: ebrio (y no intoxicado, que se dice with food poisoning)
involve: involucrar (y no envolver, que se dice wrap)
large: grande (y no largo, que se dice long)
lecture: conferencia (y no lectura, que se dice reading)
lentil: lenteja (y no lentilla, que se dice contact lens)
letter: letra del abecedario o carta (y no letra de una canción, que se dice lyrics)
library: biblioteca (y no librería, que se dice bookshop)
luxury: lujo (y no lujuria, que se dice lust)
mascot: persona, animal u objeto que da buena suerte (y no mascota como animal doméstico, que se dice pet)
mayor: alcalde (y no mayor, que se dice bigger)
media: medios (y no media, que se dice sock)
misery: tristeza (y no miseria, que se dice poverty)
to molest: abusar sexualmente (y no molestar, que se dice to bother o to annoy)
notice: nota, anuncio (y no noticia, que se dice a piece of news)
occurrence: aparición (y no ocurrencia, que se dice absurd idea)
office: oficina (y no oficio, que se dice trade o job)
once: una vez (y no once, que se dice eleven)
oration: discurso ceremonial (y no oración, que se dice sentence o prayer)
ordinary: común (y no vulgar, que se dice vulgar)
pan: cacerola, cazuela (y no pan, que se dice bread)
parade: desfile (y no pared, que se dice wall)
parents: padres (y no parientes, que se dice relatives)
policy: política (y no policía, que se dice police)
politic: diplomático, cortés o prudente (y no político, que se dice politician)
preservative: conservante (y no preservativo, que se dice condom)
to quit: abandonar, dejar (y no quitar, que se dice to remove o to put away)
recollection: recuerdo (y no recolección, que se dice harvest o collection)
regular: de tamaño normal (y no regular, que se dice bad, not so good)
relatives: parientes (y no relativos, que se dice relative (adjective))
rude: maleducado, descortés (y no rudo, que se dice rough)
to realize: darse cuenta (y no realizar, que se dice to make)
to record: grabar (y no recordar, que se dice to remember)
to remove: quitar, eliminar (y no remover, que se dice to stir)
to resume: reanudar, continuar o reasumir (y no resumir, que se dice to summarize o to sum up)
salad: ensalada (y no salado, que se dice salty)
sane: cuerdo (y no sano, que se dice healthy)
sensible: sensitivo (y no sensible, que se dice sensitive)
sensitive: sensible (y no sensitivo, que se dice sensible)
signature: firma (y no asignatura, que se dice subject)
sin: pecado (y no sin, que se dice without)
spade: pala (y no espada, que se dice sword)
success: éxito (y no suceso, que se dice event)
to support: apoyar (y no soportar, que se dice to put up with)
sympathetic: comprensivo (y no simpático, que se dice nice, likeable)
sympathy: compasión, comprensión, pésame (y no simpatía, que se dice friendliness, affection)
target: objetivo (y no tarjeta, que se dice card)
terrific: fenomenal, genial (y no terrorífico, que se dice terrifying)
to traduce: calumniar (y no traducir, que se dice to translate)
to translate: traducir (y no trasladarse, que se dice to move)
tramp: vagabundo (y no trampa, que se dice trap)
ultimate: final (y no último, que se dice last)
umpire: árbitro (y no imperio, que se dice empire)
zealous: entusiasta (y no celoso, que se dice jealous)
jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010
British Proverbs
'Every cloud has a silver lining'
There's always something good in bad times.
'A stitch in time saves nine'
Act early and you can save a lot of time.
'Out of the frying pan into the fire'
From one problem to another.
From one problem to another.
'One man's meat is another man's poison'
People often don't like the same things.
People often don't like the same things.
'Don't look a gift horse in the mouth'
Don't question good luck.
Don't question good luck.
'You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink'
You can give a person a chance, but you can't make him or her take it.
You can give a person a chance, but you can't make him or her take it.
'The grass is always greener on the other side'
You always think that other peoples lives are better than yours.
You always think that other peoples lives are better than yours.
'The best things in life are free'
We don't have to pay for the things that are really valuable, like love, friendship, good health etc.
We don't have to pay for the things that are really valuable, like love, friendship, good health etc.
'It was the last straw that broke the camel's back'
There is a limit to everything. We can load the camel with lots of straw, but finally it will be too much and the camel's back will break. And it is only a single straw that breaks its back - the last straw.
There is a limit to everything. We can load the camel with lots of straw, but finally it will be too much and the camel's back will break. And it is only a single straw that breaks its back - the last straw.
This can be applied to many things in life. People often say "That's the last straw!" when they will not accept any more of something.
'Where there's a will there's a way'
If we have the determination to do something, we can always find the path or method to do it.
If we have the determination to do something, we can always find the path or method to do it.
'Marry in haste, and repent at leisure'
If we get married quickly, without thinking carefully, we may be sorry later. And we will have plenty of time to be sorry.
If we get married quickly, without thinking carefully, we may be sorry later. And we will have plenty of time to be sorry.
'The best advice is found on the pillow'
If we have a problem, we may find the answer after a good night's sleep.
If we have a problem, we may find the answer after a good night's sleep.
People also say: "I'll sleep on it."
'You can't judge a book by its cover'
We need to read a book to know if it's good or bad. We cannot know what it's like just by looking at the front or back cover. This proverb is applied to everything, not only books.
We need to read a book to know if it's good or bad. We cannot know what it's like just by looking at the front or back cover. This proverb is applied to everything, not only books.
'Bad news' means news about 'bad' things like accidents, death, illness etc. People tend to tell this type of news quickly. But 'good news' (passing an exam, winning some money, getting a job etc) travels more slowly.
'Birds of a feather flock together'
Birds of a feather means birds of the same type. The whole proverb means that people of the same type or sort stay together. They don't mix with people of another type
Birds of a feather means birds of the same type. The whole proverb means that people of the same type or sort stay together. They don't mix with people of another type
'Live and let live'
This proverb suggest that we should not interfere in other people's business. We should live our own lives and let others live their lives.
This proverb suggest that we should not interfere in other people's business. We should live our own lives and let others live their lives.
'The way to a man's heart is through his stomach'
Many women have won a man's love by cooking delicious meals for him. They fed his stomach and found love in his heart.
Many women have won a man's love by cooking delicious meals for him. They fed his stomach and found love in his heart.
'Better untaught than ill taught.'
This proverb drops the verb "to be". But we understand: "It is better not to be taught at all than to be taught badly." It's better not to learn something than to learn it badly.
This proverb drops the verb "to be". But we understand: "It is better not to be taught at all than to be taught badly." It's better not to learn something than to learn it badly.
'Soon learnt, soon forgotten'
Something that is easy to learn is easy to forget.
Something that is easy to learn is easy to forget.
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